Current News and Media Releases

2016 Annual Report Released

The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has released its 2016 annual report. In 2016 the ASA received 586 formal complaints and responded to 273 enquiries from media, advertisers and agencies about advertisements prior to publication or broadcast.

New Decisions: Claims of Sexism, Hidden Costs and More

A radio advertisement for Ben Holden Fencing featured Ben Holden reading the following script “Your wife jumping the fence boys? Fence her in today – Phone me, Ben Holden, fencing service with integrity. Ben Holden – Keeping marriages together since 1969! I’ve got you covered lads.”

New Decisions: Nutrients in milk, therapeutic claims and more

Fonterra’s Milk for Schools television advertisements promoted milk as “a great source of nutrition” and said calcium and protein build strong bones, teeth and muscles in children. The Complainant said the use of the terms ‘long-term health benefits’ and ‘goodness of milk’ were misleading and inaccurate and would lead to long-term harm and illness for

2017 Election Advertising

Advertisers, agencies and the media have obligations around the content of election advertising, election programmes and other election-related material in broadcast, print and digital media. There are detailed rules in both the Electoral Act 1993 and the Broadcasting Act 1989 on what political parties, candidates and third parties can and cannot do when campaigning.  Some… Read More

New Decisions: Health Supplements, Tourist Guides and More

The booklet-style visitors’ guide titled “Visit Picton & Waikawa Bay, Marlborough Sounds NZ” contains advertisements for a range of attractions and statements about Picton and the surrounding area. The Complainant said some of the advertisements and claims in the visitor guide were misleading.

Lions Tour Advertising Restrictions

This Lions Tour has been designated as a Major Event under the Major Event Management Act (MEMA). The MEMA provides protection to organisers and sponsors of major events from ambush marketing. The MEMA recognises that major events rely on sponsors making very large financial commitments. Other advertisers are not allowed to free-ride on the sponsors’ investments and trade off the goodwill and publicity surrounding an event.

New Decisions: Swear Words, Sale Pricing and More

A television advertisement promoting Village Roadshow’s film “Red Dog True Blue” included short clips from the film which is set in Western Australia. One of the excerpts showed a man saying “Where’s my bloody shaving cream?” In the following shot was a dog, which appeared to have shaving cream on its face.