Current News and Media Releases

New Guidance Note on Advertising Health Services

The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has developed a Guidance Note for advertising health services. This provides advertisers with information to help them comply with the ASA’s Therapeutic and Health Advertising Code when making claims about their service in their advertisements. 

Advertising Self-Regulation Explained

The International Council for Advertising Self-Regulation (ICAS) is a global platform promoting responsible ads through the effective implementation of self-regulatory standards. ICAS has released a short animated video to help explain advertising self-regulation:

2017 Election Advertising Complaints

The lead up to a general election is usually a busy time for the ASA, and 2017 proved no exception. The ASA deals with complaints about all election advertising in non-broadcast media and third-party election advertising in broadcast media. This year the ASA dealt with 11 election advertisement complaints under its fast-track process.  This process requires a response from the advertiser and any other relevant party within 24 hours of notification of the complaint.

New Decisions: Election Advertising, Photography Promotion and More

The Complainant’s view was that the use of the red colour and Labour Party logo was misleading as it implied it was the official position of the Labour Party and gave the impression Labour intends to implement a Capital Gains Tax if elected. The Advertiser said the use of the Labour Party logo and red colour highlighted the contrast in the parties’ policies on tax.

New Decisions: Beer Culture, News Sources and More

Two Facebook groups and an Instagram account contained posts that focused on the consumption of Double Brown beer, a product of DB Breweries Limited. A Complainant was concerned the material depicted irresponsible drinking behaviours including excessive drinking, drinking in hazardous environments, and showing people under 25 consuming alcohol with strong appeal to minors.