Current News and Media Releases

Latest Newsletter: AdHelp, New Advertising Standards Code & Training

It has been a busy time at the ASA! On 2 July we launched the Advertising Standards Code. This Code was developed by the ASA Codes Committee, which includes advertiser, agency, media and public representatives, and in consultation with industry and public sectors. The ASA offered a variety of options for industry to learn about the new Advertising Standards Code.

Acceptability of Offensive Words 2018

Every few years the Broadcasting Standards Authority (BSA) releases a report on the acceptability of words in broadcasting.  They have recently released their 2018 report, based on findings of a national survey among 1,500 members of the general public aged 18 years and over. The survey measured how acceptable the public finds the use of offensive language… Read More

Media Release: New ASA Code for Responsible Advertising

The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) today released its new Advertising Standards Code. The Advertising Standards Code is a consolidation of six codes that previously included similar rules and guidelines. There is now one primary point of reference for advertising standards.

Most Complained About Ads in 2017

We have released our official list of the ads that attracted the most complaints last year. Here are 2017’s five most complained about ads: #1: Frucor Suntory NZ Ltd, Television Advertisement  18 COMPLAINTS: UPHELD IN PART, SETTLED IN PART The ‘V Energy’ ad showed a construction worker on a building site. At 3pm two small… Read More

2017 Annual Report Released

The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has released its 2017 annual report. In 2017 the ASA received 603 formal complaints and responded to 347 enquiries from media companies, advertisers and agencies about advertisements prior to publication or broadcast.  Over half the complaints related to misleading claims in advertisements and just under 20% of complaints were about… Read More

Advertising Self-Regulation Summit a Success

The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) recently held a Summit in Auckland focussing on the value of advertising self-regulation. The ASA celebrates its 45th anniversary this year and took this opportunity to gather over 60 major advertisers, agencies and media organisations together to acknowledge the work of the ASA in supporting responsible advertising.

Advertising Self-Regulation Explained

The International Council for Advertising Self-Regulation (ICAS) is a global platform promoting responsible ads through the effective implementation of self-regulatory standards. ICAS has released a short animated video to help explain advertising self-regulation: