New Decisions: Car Insurance, Gym Promotions and More

The following decisions have been published on the ASA website:

AA Insurance Ad Meets Required Standards

A television advertisement for AA Insurance showed a man getting out of his car after a utility vehicle reversed into it. The front bumper of the man’s car has been damaged. The car is parked outside a cafe which has an open roller door as the entrance with a driveway out in front.

The Complainant said the advertisement was misleading because the car is illegally parked as it is within one metre of a driveway. The Complainant said insurance policies are rendered null and void if the policy holder has done something illegal and they would not be covered.

The Advertiser said while the entrance to the building may appear to look like a driveway it was not in use as a vehicle entrance but as a pedestrian entrance to a café. The Advertiser also said even if a driver is parked illegally, there are no specific exclusions for parking illegally therefore the driver they would be covered.

The Complaints Board accepted the Advertiser’s explanation and ruled the advertisement was not likely to mislead or deceive consumers and had been prepared with the requisite sense of social responsibility. Accordingly, the Complaints Board ruled the complaint was Not Upheld.

Self-Regulatory Action from Les Mills

The email advertisement for Les Mills, dated 10 November 2016, offered free membership until 2017, with the words “Join Les Mills now – It’s free until 2017*”.

The Complainant said the advertisement was misleading because it offered free membership until 2017 yet a joining fee applied in order to get the free membership days.

The Advertiser acknowledged there should have been a hyperlink to the terms of the offer and said they will address this error in future promotions.

Noting the self-regulatory action taken by the Advertiser in acknowledging the omission of the hyperlink in the advertisement, and the commitment to ensure this omission does not occur in future, the Complaints Board ruled that the matter was settled.