Drone Advertising Recommendation Made

New Zealand sales of remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS, or drones) are booming and numbers are expected to increase as their uses are expanded to help with goods deliveries, scientific research, care of crops and livestock and police operations.  Unmanned aircraft under 25kg, which is virtually all consumer RPAS, are covered by Civil Aviation Rule Part 101.

The ASA was approached by the New Zealand Aviation Federation, the Civil Aviation Authority and the Ministry of Transport to recommend standard wording be included in retail advertising for RPAS.  The standard wording supported by the above organizations to include in advertising is:

“In operating these drones you become a pilot with responsibilities and must comply with the rules found at: www.caa.govt.nz/rpas.”

The ASA has contacted its members and RPAS retailers asking them to include this wording and has had a very positive response.

The inclusion of this wording by retailers in RPAS advertising would support other education initiatives to raise awareness of the rules that apply to the use of RPAS – particularly for the recreational user who may not be aware of them.