Apply now: Public Member – ASA Complaints Board Vacancies

31 July 2024

We are recruiting new public members to be part of the rotating nine-member independent board of public and industry members who hear complaints about advertising.

The ASA Complaints Board considers consumer complaints and advertiser responses, applies the principles and rules of the ASA Codes and holds regular meetings to share views and reach a decision on whether ads are compliant or should be amended or removed.

Board members must be able to impartially consider concerns raised by consumers about ads across a range of topics.  We are seeking to appoint a diverse range of people who can reflect prevailing community standards of ordinary New Zealanders.

Public members are paid a meeting fee, and the role is part-time.

Public members must not be connected with the advertising industry or media companies.

To view the ASA Complaints Board Public Member information pack, click here.

To download the application form, click here.

Applications close 5pm Monday 19 August 2024.

If you have any questions regarding this listing, please contact us at