July 2024 Newsletter

Welcome to our July newsletter! We have a number of announcements today, including an update on the new Children’s and Food and Beverage Advertising Codes, fresh guidance for industry on safety issues regarding vehicles in advertising and important information for advertisers during the Olympic Games.

If you have any questions regarding the content of this newsletter please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Update from the Chief Executive

Kia ora koutou,

It’s been a busy first half of the year for us as we work with industry on the implementation of the new Codes for advertising to Children and advertising food and beverages. We were pleased to see the fantastic turn out to our free Code briefings earlier this year and look forward to seeing many of you at our refresher training later this month. Our 2023 Annual Report, published in May, was a celebration of our 50th anniversary and showed how far we have come as an industry in the past half-century.

Our ongoing focus on pro-active regulation has seen our team doubling down on supporting industry compliance through resources and training. We are currently working on producing support tools and guidance for industry based on frequent areas of complaint. Our recently published guidance is on safety concerns with vehicles in advertising – with depictions of speed or dangerous driving, incorrect restraints and driver distractions raising concerns. Safety issues are regularly one of the top concerns for complainants, and we have dealt with over 150 complaints under the safety rule in the last five years.

We will soon commence recruitment for new public members for the ASA Complaints Board. These paid, part-time roles provide a consumer voice on our panels, helping us ensure our decisions accurately reflect community standards for New Zealanders.

Ngā mihi,

Hilary Souter
Chief Executive

Free Industry Webinar: Children’s Advertising Code & Food and Beverage Advertising Code Refresher

With the new Codes coming into effect in a matter of weeks, don’t miss our final free briefing on the key changes for advertisers. Book your spot now by clicking here.

New resource alert!
Safety Check: Vehicles in Advertising

Reversing without watching, cars driving on the wrong side of the road, and even trolley mischief at the supermarket. Despite best intentions by advertising creatives, when it comes to including vehicles in advertising, perceived safety risks in ads are still a common cause of complaints to the ASA.

Our latest blog post highlights our new resources on this topic, along with providing precedent decisions to help ensure your ads don’t unintentionally go off the rails.

View the blog post here.

Spotlight on: Olympic Words and Emblems in Advertising

With Paris 2024 around the corner, make sure you are up to speed with the restrictions around advertising before and during the Olympic Games.

Take me to the blog post!

Watch this space:
ASA Complaints Board Public Member vacancies

The ASA Complaints Board (ASCB) considers consumer complaints and advertiser responses, applies the principles and rules of the ASA Codes and holds regular meetings to share views and reach a decision on whether ads are compliant or should be amended or removed.

We will shortly open our recruitment process for new public members to be part of the rotating nine-member independent board of public and industry members who hear complaints about advertising.

Board members must be able to impartially consider concerns raised by consumers about ads across a range of topics.  We are seeking to appoint a diverse range of people who can reflect prevailing community standards of ordinary New Zealanders.

Public members are paid a meeting fee, and the role is part-time.

Public members must not be connected with the advertising industry or media companies.

Applications will open in the coming weeks. Head to our website to learn more about the ASCB or email us for more information or to register your interest.